# 此页面贡献者:年轻的小铲

What is the DOM and BOM in JavaScript?

The Browser Object Model is a larger representation of everything provided by the browser including the current document, location, history, frames, and any other functionality the browser may expose to JavaScript. The Browser Object Model is not standardized and can change based on different browsers.

The Document Object Model is standardized and is specific to current HTML document. It is exposed by the Browser Object Model (i.e., DOM is a subset of BOM).

ECMAScript was originally designed to be a Web scripting language, providing a mechanism to enliven Web pages in browsers and to perform server computation as part of a Web-based client-server architecture. ECMAScript can provide core scripting capabilities for a variety of host environments, and therefore the core scripting language is specified in this document apart from any particular host environment.

上次更新: 7/29/2018, 12:21:27 PM